RL Foskett RL Foskett

Instagram Tips and Tricks

Here are a few of the basics to help with engagement, that you probably already know but if you’re going to get your head around Instagram, it pays to start with a solid foundation.

1.       Be active on your stories and post regularly.

2.       Have a visually consistent feed that’s aesthetically pleasing.

3.       Be a storyteller – don’t just post product shots and product descriptions. Humanise your brand, introduce yourself, share personal stories.

4.       Utilise hashtags – and use the right ones. Do your research! Using more specific tags like “fashionNZ” rather than a more generic “fashion” will stop your posts getting lost amongst millions internationally.

5.       Use the bold description text under your profile image to help people find you on Instagram. This should be text they’d use to search – e.g. gift boxes or vegan wallets not your business name.

6.       Include user-generated content whether it’s influencer photos, customer reviews or sharing stories you’re tagged in. This is a good way to add variation to your feed and stories.

7.       Use all the tools available to direct traffic to your website – things like product tags in your posts (if your website supports this), using an influencer to promote your URL, directing followers to the link in your bio. It all helps.

8.       Check your insights and use this information when posting. Anaslyse your most successful posts – see what’s working and what’s not. Understand your audience. If they’re most active at night, don’t be posting at 9am . . .

9.    Respond to comments on your posts.

10. Include faces in your posts; this is known to improve engagement significantly.

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